These pages—designed around my day-to-day life in Manhattan and rooted in the creative expression I’ve longed for so deeply—share a new chapter in my journey that has unified my love of cooking simple food, appreciating the beauty in everyday life, and embracing expanded ideas of consciousness.

May your exploration of my journey nurture in you a softer, slower, more meaningful existence and inspire you to forge a richer connection with yourself. I suggest beginning with the inquiry that has allowed me to embrace joie de vivre in my own life:

What choices will bring me closer to living a life that reflects who I truly am?



My kitchen has become a portal allowing me to express myself freely and feel safe in my
own skin after years of feeling tangled in loops of shame and anxiety. For the first time, I’m granting
myself permission to embrace the beauty in the small details and the gifts that have emerged
from so many years of deep healing.

Textured fabrics, hand-thrown pottery, fresh greens, and branches all bring softness into my city life.

More than any other space in my Manhattan loft, my kitchen reminds me how
delicious slow, simple living can be.

  • Back on the Pottery Wheel

    Back on the Pottery Wheel

  • Finding Beauty in Every day

    Finding Beauty in Every day

  • Inspiration Boards

    Inspiration Boards



Years spent shut down—cut off from my creativity and joy—provided me with self-protection that allowed for accomplishments in my early adult life but sabotaged my mental and physical health.

Now, I see clearly how childhood programming led me to deny my gifts for 40 years. Today, I’m healthy enough to make conscious choices based on how I feel, instead of what others expect.


    Creative Energy

    There’s this funny thing that happened when I started to release all the junk that had been swarming around inside my mind for most of my life. You know – all those sensations we’re unaware of but feel so deeply throughout our day – the jealousy, the …

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    Feeling Our Feelings

    It’s a bit comical to be writing about feeling our feelings when I’m someone who didn’t feel a darn thing for most of my life. I mean, seriously. I felt absolutely nothing. I was a robot who was not trained to feel her emotions. Perhaps you can relate. It w…

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    It’s taken me 40 years to be able to actually locate and be brave enough to feel the ridiculously heavy cloak of shame I’ve carried on my small frame since I was young. I’ve read many books on shame, watched dozens of YouTube videos on it, listened to speec…

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My 21-day plan to detox, fight inflammation, and reset your body offers a compendium of research from my healing journey, and includes 200 anti-inflammatory recipes along with tools to detoxify your life and living space.